What is temporary personal protective grounding?

Sometimes, additional measures are desirable to provide an extra margin of safety assurance. Temporary personal protective grounds are used when working on de-energized electrical conductors to minimize the possibility of accidental re-energization from unexpected sources. Sometimes these are called safety grounds or equipotential grounding.

Induced voltages, capacitive recharging, and accidental contact with other circuits can occur. Depending on the electrical energy available, these occurrences could cause injury or death.

More often, however, they only cause reßexive actions. For example, although most induced voltages will not normally cause serious injury themselves, they could cause a person to jump backward suddenly, possibly tripping against something or falling to the floor.

Temporary protective grounding devices should be applied where such conditions might occur. Temporary personal protective grounds should be applied at possible points of re-energization. They can also be applied in such a way as to establish a zone of equipotential around a person.

When these grounds are used, they shall be connected tightly, since they establish a deliberate fault point in the circuit. If current does somehow get onto the circuit, the grounds shall stay connected securely until a protective device clears the circuit.

It is difficult to set firm criteria for when temporary personal protective grounds are needed. Blanket requirements are usually established. Many times, it is a decision made in the field by the person performing the work.

When there is uncertainty about exposure, it is wise to add this extra protection. Many industrial facilities and utilities require temporary personal protective grounding for all aerial power line work and for all work on power systems over 600 V because of the increased exposure these systems often have due to their length and location.

Temporary personal protective grounding can also be used as the additional safety measure required when hazardous electrical energy control must be performed using a tag only. Temporary personal protective grounding devices should meet the specifications in ASTM F855-96 and should be sized for the maximum available current of any possible event.

Temporary personal protective grounds should only be installed after all other conditions of an electrically safe work condition have been established. Because the unexpected can happen at any time, however, the installation and removal of temporary grounding devices should be performed, by procedure, as the conductors are energized.

When installed inside equipment enclosures, temporary grounds should be lengthy enough to extend outside of the equipment so that they can be easily seen. If they cannot extend out, they should be made highly visible. Brightly colored tapes are helpful identifiers. Once they are installed, bare-hand work could be permitted.

It should be quite obvious that all personal protective grounds must be removed prior to reenergization. Identification and accountability controls may be necessary on large construction or maintenance jobs. The installation and removal of these grounding devices can be controlled by permit in order to avoid re-energizing equipment into a faulted condition.

The integrity of personal protective grounds should be maintained through the use of periodic inspection and testing. It is a good idea to document this inspection and testing.

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