General control measures for electrical hazards
Image result for electrical hazards
The principal control measures for electrical hazards are contained in the statutory precautionary requirements covered by the Electricity at Work Regulations. They are applicable to all electrical equipment and systems found at the workplace and impose duties on employers, employees and the self-employed.

The regulations cover the following topics:

S the design, construction and maintenance of electrical systems, work activities and protective
S the strength and capability of electrical equipment
S the protection of equipment against adverse and hazardous environments
S the insulation, protection and placing of electrical conductors
S the earthing of conductors and other suitable precautions
S the integrity of referenced conductors
S the suitability of joints and connections used in electrical systems
S means for protection from excess current
S means for cutting off the supply and for isolation
S the precautions to be taken for work on equipment made dead
S working on or near live conductors
S adequate working space, access and lighting
S the competence requirements for persons working on electrical equipment to prevent danger and injury.
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Detailed safety standards for designers and installers of electrical systems and equipment are given a code of practice published by the Institution of Electrical Engineers, known as the IEE Regulations. While these regulations are not legally binding, they are recognized as a code of good practice and widely used as an industry standard.

The risk of injury and damage inherent in the use of electricity can only be controlled effectively by the introduction of employee training, safe operating procedures (safe systems of work) and guidance to cover specific tasks.

Training is required at all levels of the organization ranging from simple on-the-job instruction to apprenticeship for electrical technicians and supervisory courses for experienced electrical engineers. First aid training related to the need for cardiovascular resuscitation and treatment of electric burns should be available to all people working on electrical equipment and their supervisors.

A management system should be in place to ensure that the electrical systems are installed, operated and maintained in a safe manner. All managers should be responsible for the provision of adequate resources of people, material and advice to ensure that the safety of electrical systems under their control is satisfactory and that safe systems of work are in place for all electrical equipment

For small factories and office or shop premises where the system voltages are normally at mains voltage, it may be necessary for an external competent person to be available to offer the necessary advice.
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Managers must set up a high voltage permit-to-work system for all work at and above 600 volts. The system should be appropriate to the extent of the electrical system involved. Consideration should also be given to the introduction of a permit system for voltages under 600 volts when appropriate and for all work on live conductors.

The additional control measures that should be taken when working with electrical or using electrical equipment are summarized by the following topics:
S the selection of suitable equipment
S the use of protective systems
S inspection and maintenance strategies

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