What Should Be The Content of your First Aid Emergency Kit or Box?
Impact on first-aid provision if risks are significant. First aiders may need to be appointed if risks are significant. This will involve a number of factors which must be considered, including:
➤ training for fi rst aiders
➤ additional first-aid equipment and the contents of the first-aid box
➤ siting of first-aid equipment to meet the various demands in the premises. For example, provision of equipment in each building or on several floors. There needs to be first-aid provision at all times during working hours
➤ informing local medical services of the site and its risks
➤ any special arrangements that may be needed with the local emergency services.
If employees travel away from the site the employer needs to consider:
➤ issuing personal fi rst-aid kits and providing training
➤ issuing mobile phones to employees
➤ making arrangements with employers on other sites. Although there are no legal responsibilities for nonemployees, the HSE strongly recommends that they are included in any first-aid provision.
Contents of the first-aid box
There is no standard list of items to put in a first-aid box. It depends on what the employer assesses the needs to be. Where there is no special risk in the workplace, a minimum stock of first-aid items is tabulated below.
Tablets or medicines should not be kept in the first-aid box. Table is a suggested contents list only; equivalent but different items will be considered acceptable.